A dynamically linked After Effects composition with transparency loses its transparency and appears opaque in Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5.
Download thousands of versatile Adobe After Effects templates, logo stings, openers, slideshow templates, lower thirds, and more with an Envato Elements membership. It starts at $16 per month, and gives you unlimited access to a growing library of over 2,000,000 Adobe After Effects templates, design assets, photos, videos and more. From the After Effects Manual: When specifying the color depth for an output image, the plus sign (as in Millions Of Colors+) denotes an alpha channel. Similarly, choosing to output to 32 bits per pixel implies an output depth of 8 bits per channel for each of four channels: RGBA. May 10, 2018 The background is set to be transparent. When I try to import Gif with transparent background into After Effects, it didn’t work out, the background colour turned into white automatically. Adobe After Effects, Image with a transparent background have a box around it. I am trying to put a shine effect on the logo but the effect wont pass the invisible border around the image. I made the image background transparent in photoshop, i import it in after effects and it shows that is transparent but any effect i add to the image wong pass the invisible edges of the logo.
Install the Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 (5.5.1) update, which fixes this bug.
If you can't install the Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 (5.5.1) update, you can use one of the following workarounds:
- Change the composition background color in After Effects to black (RGB=0,0,0).
- Change the Renderer setting in the Project Settings in Adobe Premiere Pro to Mercury Playback Engine Software Only.
Keying out black backgrounds in After Effects is no problem with this quick technique!
While it’s always best to get pre-keyed footage, it isn’t necessarily difficult to key out elements on a black background yourself using After Effects. So if you have elements to key out, or you’re simply interested in keying out black backgrounds, follow these quick steps for great results.
Make Background Transparent After Effects
Step 1: Prep Your Footage
Before you key your footage, you need to make sure that your clip is a good candidate to have the black pixels removed. Keep in mind that this effect will remove all of the dark pixels in your scene in order of luminance. So, you may need to mask certain areas if your footage needs to have dark elements in it and still be keyed. I recommend adding a levels and curves effect without adjusting anything just yet. These will simply help us tweak the final key once we’re done.
Step 2: Add the Shift Channels Effect
Simply drag and drop the shift channels effect onto the layer which you want to be keyed. It should also be noted that this effect works with adjustment layers as well.
Step 3: Take Alpha From Luminance
In the shift channels effect, simply change the “Take Alpha From” checkbox to “Luminance”. You should instantly see your footage keyed out now. If not, make sure you toggle the transparency grid button at the bottom of your composition panel.
Step 4: Tweak Color Values as Needed
Using the levels and curves effects that we mentioned in step one, continue to adjust as needed until you get your key just right. Try different variations of curves and levels before and after the shift channels effect until you get it just right.
Adobe After Effects Transparent Background Maker
This effect can also work for removing a white background if you apply the “Invert” effect before and after the shift channels effect. However, keying out white is much more difficult, as subjects tend to have more white value than dark.
Want to learn more about working in After Effects? Check out the blog here at RocketStock. It’s dedicated to helping you become a better motion designer.
Have any tips for keying out black backgrounds in After Effects? Share in the comments below.
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